An advanced power analyzer
This product is an advanced energy analyzer, with performance and features unmatched on the market.
Ultra-flexible and powerful
Powerful and Open
Economic and ecological
Some answers on frequently asked questions on PowerSpy2, Smart488 and Compulab’s products. Of course don’t hesitate to contact us for any additional information.
What is the difference between the PowerSpy2 and a classical low cost powermeter ?
First, the PowerSpy2 allows to get precise measurements of low powers, down to 10mW, whereas classical power meters have a far lower sensititivy. This is key to measure standby currents of electronic equipments.
Then, the PowerSpy2 not only measure an RMS power, but is a real oscilloscope and allows to analyse current and voltage waveforms. So it provides far more advanced features than usual powermeters : harmonic distorsion measurement, optimisation of AC/DC switching power supplies, etc. The Bluetooth interface allows also automatic and configurable report generation.
Finally, PowerSpy2 can operate in autonomous data logging mode with performance and features unmatched on the market: voltage, current and power can be recorded by example every 20 milliseconds and for over a month!
Is the PowerSpy2 as good as a high end power analyzer ?
The PowerSpy2 is even better than the majority of equipment costing more than ten times more expensive, especially for measuring low power, applications for which PowerSpy2 was particularly optimized. Product flexibility, thanks to its software approach based on offset processing on the PC, allows more interesting analysis and publishing reports. Therefore, more traditional products are a priority for the measurement of high power (> 1kw) as well as electro-technical applications requiring three phase analyzes.
Can I use the PowerSpy2 to measure very low currents and powers, for example for equipments in standby ?
Clearly yes. The PowerSpy2 allows to precisely measure powers down to some tens of milliwatts.
Should I install the supplied Bluetooth drivers ?
NO, Windows has built-in Bluetooth drivers since XP.
What is the maximum distance of the Bluetooth link ?
It is very dependant on the Bluetooth module used on the PC side. With the supplied Bluetooth dongle the usual coverage is a couple of meters, as the Bluetooth interface first function is to provide a safe galvanic insulation.
What are the improvements of software V2.0 ?
Version 2.0 supports both the PowerSpy1 and PowerSpy2. Functions return data files have been added, as well as several performance improvements.
PowerLog software
The powerSpy2 analyzer can be used either in real time mode or in data logging mode. In order to facilitate the analysis of the generated log files, ALCIOM has developped the PowerLog windows software.
Our distributors / PowerSpy2
Downloads / PowerSpy2
Available files for downloading | PDF links |
Installation and user manual, version 01.01 (French version) | rl1236-004 powerspy2 manuel utilisateur v0101.pdf |
Installation and user manual, version 01.01 (English version) | rl1236-004 powerspy2 user manual v0101.pdf |
PowerLog complementary software user manual (french version) | ALTD1414-002 PowerLog Manuel utilisateur Fr V1.pdf |
PowerLog software V1.3 beta for windows XP/VISTA/7 | Install PowerLog v1.3_beta.zip |
PowerSpy software V2.03 beta for windows XP/VISTA/7, french version | PowerSpy_win_2_03FR_beta2.zip |
Powerspy software 2.02 for Windows XP/VISTA/7, French version (usable in mode demonstration without any PowerSpy interface) | InstallPowerspyWindows202FR.zip |
Powerspy software V2.02 for Windows XP/VISTA/7, English version (usable in mode demonstration without any PowerSpy interface) | SetupPowerspyWindows202EN.zip |
CE Certificate of conformity (electrical safety) | powerspy2 ce conformity.pdf |
Powerspy Protocol Specification | LG0838-003 powerspy protocol specification 1G.pdf |